As designed behavior:
In NX-Drafting, there is no direct way to show all the assembly arrangements in a single view, during View placement.
However, users may need to show all the assembly arrangements in a single view .i.e. creating a single superimposed view of all the assembly arrangements, as shown in figure below.
The trick is to use the ‘overlay’ method available in the ‘View alignment’ dialogue, in NX Drafting. The ‘Point to Point’ alignment option available with the ‘Overlay’ method assists users to create precise Superimposed views.
The steps given below, lists the method to create superimposed arrangement views. We will use the example shown above, to take you through the steps.
Step 1: - Place all the arrangement views in the sheet, as shown in below. Ensure all views are scaled equally.
Step 2 (Optional): - Users can use the ‘Hide components in view’ option to display only the moving components of the assembly, in the views. Users can also change the line font of the views as required, as shown in the figure given below.
Step 3: - Right mouse click on the view border of the View displaying the ‘Mid Range’ arrangement & invoke the View alignment option.
i. In the ‘Alignment’ group, select the ‘Overlay’ option from the ‘Method’ drop down.
ii. Select the ‘Point to Point’ option from the ‘Alignment’ drop down (below ‘Method’)
iii. For the ‘Specify Stationery View Point’ option, select the ‘Point 1’ as shown in below figure.
iv. For the ‘Specify Current View Point’ option, select the ‘Point 2’ as shown in above figure.
v. The result will be as shown in the figure below.
Summary: - Multiple Assembly arrangements can thus be displayed in a single view by using the steps listed above.