Flow Mill Cut Order




Flow Mill operations create toolpaths in various regions depending on the geometry provided. In the attached example, the standard settings will first create a toolpath on the angled floor surface of the component and then complete the corner radii. This might not be desirable in some circumstances when manufacturing the component and corners may need to be completed prior to the floor surface. 


It is possible to control the regions by entering the 'Cut Regions' dialog available from the 'Geometry' node of the Flow Mill operation. 

Figure 1.

Once the dialog has opened, select 'Create Region List' and await the results. 

Figure 2.

3 regions have been identified for this part and clicking through highlights the region in the graphics window. 

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

It is possible to reorder the regions by simply dragging and dropping the item within the dialog.

Figure 6.

Accepting the dialog and regenerating the operation will show that the corner radii will be machined prior to the angled floor surface. 


Attached part files. 

FlowMill_CutRegionExample.prt (152 KB)

FlowMill_CutRegionExample_setup_1.prt (1000 KB)

KB Article ID# PL8680263



Associated Components