How to exclude the commands 'Components by TraceParts' and 'Components by 3DfindIT' from the user interface?
In this scenario, the customer requests the ability to exclude the commands 'Components by TraceParts' and 'Components by 3DfindIT' from the user interface so that their users cannot use these catalogs anymore.
These commands are, by default, available via the Tools command in the File menu after opening an assembly document.
File > Tools > Components by TraceParts / 3DfindIT
The requested commands can be excluded with the help of the following information/data:
Open the resulting file named OEM.INI in an editor.
Find the following section within the INI file:
; cmdId 11802 > Components by TraceParts
; cmdId 11822 > Components by 3DfindIT
The lines preceded by the semicolon are comment lines and document the command IDs of the two commands.
The lines with the sole command ID (without semicolons) define the commands to be excluded, in this case: 'Components by TraceParts' and 'Components by 3DfindIT'.
More information about how to determine these command IDs can be found in the following KB article:
The line preceded by the semicolon is a comment line and documents some language IDs.
The line with the language setting (without semicolon) defines the default language of the Solid Edge user interface: English.
If the OEM.INI is to be used in a Solid Edge environment with a non-English language (e.g. German), then the corresponding language ID must be added as follows in the section, in addition to the English one.
; 0009 > en_us = 1033 > English
en_us = 1033
; 0007 > de_de = 1031 > German
de_de = 1031
A list of the available language IDs for Solid Edge is also included in the INI file.
If you have been required to make any adjustments on account of the OEM.INI being used with a non-English language then save those changes in the INI file and close the editor session.
Exit Solid Edge if it is started.
Copy the file OEM.INI to the 'Program' folder of your Solid Edge installation, e.g. C:\Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge 2023\Program.
Start Solid Edge.
Open a new assembly document.
Choose 'File > Tools'
Notice that the two commands are excluded from the user interface.
File > Tools > without Components by TraceParts / 3DfindIT
To undo the action, exit your Solid Edge session and simply delete the file OEM.INI in the 'Program' folder of your Solid Edge installation. After a restart of Solid Edge the two commands will be back in the user interface.