Is it possible to change the pivot distance while posting? A UDE is used to enter a new value for the X, Y and Z variables. What code needs to be added to overwrite those already defined in the Post Configurator GUI. In this example the 5th axis pivot point is set using the following mom variables.
MOM_reload_variable -a mom_kin_5th_axis_point.
Setting this directly in the default service layer, as well as from various buffer events does not work. Is this something that's even possible to do, and if so, how?
The MOM_start_of_path event sets kinematic data for different chains. For this reason the kin variable will, also, need to be reset. The following code will do that. Changing the 5 to a 4 in each variable name will reset the 4th axis.
set mom_kin_5th_axis_point(0) $Xval
set mom_kin_5th_axis_point(1) $Yval
set mom_kin_5th_axis_point(2) $Zval
set ::KinChains::default::mom_kin_5th_axis_point(0) $Xval
set ::KinChains::default::mom_kin_5th_axis_point(1) $Yval
set ::KinChains::default::mom_kin_5th_axis_point(2) $Zval
MOM_reload_variable -a mom_kin_5th_axis_point