NX Setting Quantity Value to 2 or more in TC sets UG GEOMETRY value in NX to NO

NX for Design



Unable to the load data in NX.

The structure is getting loaded but the geometry is not visible in the NX  and there is a  dotted box beside it. 

This means this part is delivered to NX from Teamcenter as a Non-Geometry part. 

Select the part and go to its properties and you will see the  "Component is NON-Geometry" is toggled.   

Select the Attributes Tab in the Properties window and the UG GEOMETRY value is set to  NO.


The behavior described is a deliberate design in NX and has been in place for a long time.

Changing the quantity of a component in Teamcenter to a value other than "1" will cause the component to be marked as non-geometric when loading the parent assembly in NX.



KB Article ID# PL8676542



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX