Locking "Save JT Data" in the Save Options




When using Teamcenter it is possible to create JT's for NX part files using dispatcher.  In those cases it is not desirable to have "Save JT Data" checked in the part file's Save Options, as this can produce a duplicate JT dataset in the same Item Revision container.  Is it possible to disable the "Save JT Data" option to prevent users from enabling this option?


It is possible to disable the "Save JT Data" option in the Save Options and this is done by locking the option in SITE (or GROUP) Customer Defaults.

1) With UGII_SITE_DIR set to a folder where SITE settings are managed, open the Customer Defaults in NX.

2) Change the Defaults Level, at the top of the Customer Defaults dialog, to "Site".

3) Browse to "Gateway > JT Files > Export tab".

4) With "Save JT Data" unchecked, select the lock symbol to the right of the default.

Customer Defaults showing Save JT Data locked at the 'Site' Defaults Level

5) Choose OK.  You will be prompted that the Site Customer Defaults will be saved.

6) Restart NX, create a new Item and select "File > Save > Save Options".  Verify that the "Save JT Data" option has been disabled (greyed out).

'Save JT Data' is no longer a selectable option in the Save Options

KB Article ID# PL8675340



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