NX How to create Sheet and Drawing templates

NX for Design



 How to create a custom Sheet template and/or a custom Drawing template.


 See the attached video for the procedure, and selections to create a custom  Sheet template and/or a Drawing template.  Please also see the provided steps below.

How to create Sheet and Drawing templates

Creating Sheet/Drawing Templates

1.       In Part Navigator, right click on the sheet, then click edit sheet.

2.       In the Sheet window, alter the sheet details as needed, including the sheet name, scale, units, and projection. When done, click Ok.

-          Note: Changing the sheet name in dialogue will only change the name of the sheet in the part navigator.

3.       In the Top Border Bar, choose Menu -> Preferences -> Drafting.

4.       In the Drafting Preferences window, a variety of details can be altered as needed. When done, click Ok.

-          Note: Changes made to the title block will be saved to the template as well[NE(SPTTUA1] .

5.       In the Top Border Bar, choose Menu -> Tools -> Drafting Format -> Mark as Template.

-          Note: This will save all template changes.

6.       In the Action group, select either of the following.

-          Mark as Template only: Designates the current drawing sheet as a template. You must manually add the part information to a .pax file if you want to add the part to your template collection.

-          Mark as Template and Update Pax File: Designates the current drawing sheet as a template and automatically creates or updates the .pax file in accordance with the settings you enter in the PAX File group.

7.       In the PAX File Settings group, enter a Presentation name and select the Template Type.

-          Sheet: Creates a sheet template from the current drafting part. A sheet template is used to add a new sheet to an existing drawing.

-          Reference Existing Part: Creates a master model drawing template from the current drawing part. A master model drawing template is used to create a separate drafting part that includes the current model as a component.

-          Standalone: Creates a 2D drawing template. A 2D template is used to create a standalone drawing that does not reference a master model part.

8.       If saving to the PAX File as a drawing, click on Browse, choose the drawing templates file, and click Ok.

9.       If saving to the PAX File as a sheet, click on Browse, choose the sheet templates file, and click Ok.

10.   In the Mark as Template window, click Ok.

11.   A window will appear, stating that to save the template you must save the draft. Click Ok.

12.   Save the draft to finalize your template.

Opening Created Sheet/Drawing Templates

To open a new drawing template:

1.       Choose File -> New.

2.       Click on Drafting tab. From there the template can be seen.

To open a new sheet template:

1.       Choose Sheet -> New Sheet.

2.       In the Size group, click Use Template. From there the template can be seen.

KB Article ID# PL8674324



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