After creating a sketch pattern, an over-constrained message is appeared when trying to finish the sketch.




After creating a pattern curve, I can see that the sketch is fully defined in the status line, but when I try to finish the sketch, I get an over-constrained message.

Reproduced Steps:

1. Create a sketch to be fully-defined

2. Apply "Add/Remove Expression" to all dimensions created in the step 1 above.

3. Create a pattern with "Pattern" command

        - Check "Create Pitch Expression" and "Create Persistent Relation"


4. Finish Sketch

*** A dialogue of "The sketch is over-constrained and will not update." message pops up.


This behavior was due to NX bug, but it has been fixed in NX 2206.

Workaround : execute one of them below

1. Do not add any expressions to the source shape (rectangle in this example) using "Add/Remove Expression". However, you will not be able to edit from the "Edit Parameter" and "Details" windows. Please use "Edit" or "Edit with rollback" if you would like to edit.

2. Do not use "Create Pitch Expression" when creating the pattern. However, it is not possible to change the "Pitch Distance" because the expression is not created.


It's possible to continue your work by selecting "Finish" from the warning dialog and ending the sketch. The effect of this is that the status of Part Navigator will be displayed as "Over-constrained", and if you try to change the pitch distance, an error dialog will be come up and you will not be able to edit it.

In the example, "Liner" is used as "Pattern Definition"/"Layout", but the same problem occurs with all "Pattern Definition"/"Layout" such as "Circular" and "General".

*** Please refer to PL8670565 for Japanese article.

  • Windows x64 10
Release Versions
  • NX V2007

KB Article ID# PL8670566



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