Can't get sample files for Vis Automation to load




We are using TcVis 12.2 and we installed the Vis Automation examples. When we try to load them in a browser they fail to launch.


The VisAutomation samples HTML pages only work in Internet Explorer 11 since no other browsers support VBScript. When you launch that Help file called Start.html under C:\Program Files\Siemens\Teamcenter12.3\Visualization\Examples\Automation\Documentation it will go to your default browser which in your  case is Chrome and this is why the scripts are failing.

You can get this to work by launching IE manually and then open Start.html into it. When I got this message I allowed the blocked content to run:

Then click on Samples > Cross Section Example > and then you see this:

Allow that to blocked content to run. Then click on Start/Connect > click on Yes to this message:

My default install of TcVis opens and back in IE the Open File button works:

When I click on that this dialog appears and I have to enter in the full file path to the file > OK:

Then the file loads in TcVis:

Then back in IE I see some new options I can use:

KB Article ID# PL8666582



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