What is the viewing angle of Process Simulate Human's Vision Window ?




What is the viewing angle of Process Simulate Human's Vision Window and is it possible to change the viewing angle of Process Simulate Human's Vision Window ?


Lets first understand what is Vision Window and how to use it :

The Vision Window option enables you to view the objects in the working cell through the eyes of the human model. Eye joints can be manipulated independently, resulting in three possible perspectives: mid-eye, left eye, and right eye.

In order to view exactly what a human model sees, choose Human tab, under Analyze group, click on Vision Window.
The Vision Window dialog box is displayed.
Select a perspective using the available checkboxes and click ok.
The Vision Window dialog box is displayed.

There are 4 different vision windows.
The view angle is dictated by different means for these according to :
1) The "Head forward view" which doesn’t take the eye ball rotations into account.
2) The "Mid eye" which makes use of the medium separate eye ball rotations.
3) The "Left eye" which makes use of the individual eye ball rotations.
4) The "Right eye" which makes use of the individual eye ball rotations.

There is no setting for the user to influence the “Horizontal Field of View”.
But the user can simulate the desired behavior by manually resizing the window.

You may additionally adjust the vision area by using Adjust Joint tab from Human Posturing dialog.

From the dropdown list, select the body part you want to manipulate into a specific pose or click the body part in the graphic representation. The selected body part is marked with the manipulate icon, and the possible movement types are displayed in the area under the dropdown list in the dialog box.

As shown in the video , you can use the Head joint to adjust the left or right eyes viewing angle.
You may also use the Neck joint to cover the areas of your interest in the human vision.

Few additional points -
As the human model performs operations, the view in the Vision Window changes accordingly. When you have selected Track Target in Motion Constraints, a selected target is always visible in the Vision Window.
You can set the vision target from Human Posturing dialog's Control tab by setting Vision Target.

Hope this information will help you while using Process Simulate Human's vision window.

KB Article ID# PL8666217



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