NX 'Working; Any Status' does not load the latest released revision

NX for Design



When all revisions are released, the Revision Rule, Working; Any Statu', is not grabbing the latest revision.

For example if an Item has Revisions A, B, C, and all revisions are released, why is 'Working; Any Status' grabbing and using RevA instead of RevC?


'Working; Any Status' will first look for a working revision and use the latest working revision available.

If there is more than one working revision, it will use the last created. It does not go by numerical or alpha revision order, it also does not go by last modified. The creation date is used.

However if there are no working revisions, and all revisions are released, this Rev Rule will use the latest revision that was released. Check the 'Date Released' of each revision. Which revision was released last? That is the revision that will be used.

This can be confusing if the revisions were released out of order, and Rev A was released after Rev C...then RevA will be used. This RevRule will use the latest revision that was released.


KB Article ID# PL8665530



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX