Machine Simulation in Managed NX without MRL




How can we use Machine Simulation in Managed NX, if we dont have MRL.


This docuement provides steps to implement Machine Simulation Kit in Managed NX without
using the Manufacturing Resource Library. The following are key points of this

1.       The Postprocessor, CSE Drives,Configuration files will be stored in the local directory.

2.       Use of cam_teamcenter_ascii_library.dat configuration file.

3.       The Machine Graphics to be imported in TC with NC Machine item type.

4.       The Machine Simulation only works with Solid tools.

As an example, we will be using OOTB Machine sim01_mill_3ax to demonstrate the process.
Please make sure the machine works in the Native NX before proceeding to these steps.

A.      Set the configuration file to cam_teamcenter_ascii_library.dat 

1.       Open NX in managed mode.

2.       Open a CAM Part File with current application as Manufacturing.

3.       Go to Menu>Preferences>Manufacturing

4.       Manufacturing Preferences >Configuration> Configuration File> Browse Folder Button

5.       Select cam_teamcenter_ascii_library.dat File and hit OK.

         (Location: \....\MACH\resource\configuration)

B.      Import the Machine Graphics (Assembly) inside Teamcenter.

1.       In NX go to “Import Assembly into Teamcenter”

2.       Select the following options.

          Item Type - NC Machine

          Numbering Source – OS Filename

3.       Select the location in TC where you want to import the Graphics.

4.        Identify the Top Machine Assembly file and import or you can import the complete graphics folder.

In this case example we go to \....\MACH\resource\library\machine\installed_machines\sim01_mill_3ax\graphics and select sim01_3ax_mill_toolmag.prt as it is the top assembly with all the Kinematic information.

5.       Once the process is completed you should see the entire assembly in TC.

C.      Configure the machine_database.dat file

1.       In order to fetch the Machine graphics from TC we need to make changes to the machine_database.dat file from the ascii folder.

2.       Go to \....\MACH\resource\library\machine\ascii\ and open file machine_database.dat in Notepad++

3.       Here you need to change thedirectory location to just the name of the main assembly with the revision number.

4.       In this example we make a copy of

DATA|sim01_mill_3ax_fanuc|MDM0101|3-Ax_Mill_Vertical Post Configurator metric&inch|Fanuc|Example|${UGII_CAM_LIBRARY_INSTALLED_MACHINES_DIR}sim01_mill_3ax/sim01_mill_3ax_fanuc.dat|1.000000|${UGII_CAM_LIBRARY_INSTALLED_MACHINES_DIR}sim01_mill_3ax/graphics/sim01_3ax_mill_toolmag

5.       Rename the Display name

6.       Remove the “${UGII_CAM_LIBRARY_INSTALLED_MACHINES_DIR}sim01_mill_3ax/graphics/” entry as it points to the local directory graphics.

7.       Change the name of the assembly file with the revision.

8.       The edited entry should look like the following.

DATA|sim01_mill_3ax_fanuc_TC|MDM0101|3-Ax_Mill_Vertical Post Configurator

9.       Save the file.

Now, you should be able to use the Machine
Simulation with the particular machine kit in the Managed NX Environment.

KB Article ID# PL8665422



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