How to find out the new and the modified customer defaults settings specific to the upgraded version?




While upgrading to NX2206 from NX1899, using a custom customer defaults file (from the earlier NX version), NX displays below customer defaults related message.

"NX has ignored some of the customer defaults settings in:"

How to find out the new and the modified customer defaults settings specific to the upgraded version?


This is the information message related to the customer default settings.

Such messages are displayed when you are using the customized customer defaults from the previous NX versions.

As stated in the information window, the probable reasons for displaying such message are:

1.Setting value is no longer valid.

This may be caused due to change in earlier customer default setting value, may be the valid values have been changed in the new NX version.

2.Options have been removed from the product,

This may be caused due to the removal of some of the customer default settings from the previous NX version. (are deprecated)

3.Setting file is locked at the higher level.

This is due to the usage of customized customer defaults file using the Customer default levels, so the file is read-only in the session. (like using site/group level settings)

You can use either of two methods to determine which customer defaults are either new or have had major changes for the version to which you are upgrading. (Major changes include changes to the default's internal name, to the default value, to the default's units, or to the default's options.)

Method 1: Version Information in the Find Default Dialog Box

This method produces a list of all the new and modified defaults for a given version.

1. Choose File tab→UtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find Default

2. In the search field at the top of the Find Default dialog box, type the version number that you want to search for (for example, 1899) and either press Enter on your keyboard or click Find in the dialog box.

The defaults appear in the Defaults Found window on the Find Default dialog box.

Method 2: Version Information in the Spreadsheet

This method lets you examine all the customer defaults.

1.Choose File tab→UtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Manage Current Settings

2.In the Manage Current Settings dialog box, click Export All Defaults Data to Spreadsheet

3.After the spreadsheet has been generated, examine the Version Modified column to see the release in which each default was added or last modified. You can use the spreadsheet options to help you sort or analyze the data.


KB Article ID# PL8665238



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