Teamcenter Word Round-Trip

Active Workspace



User requested help with Round-trip for Word


The Word Round Trip is an export that you have for Active Workspace (AW). However, there are changes to where you do the export. No longer do you need to click on NEW to export. The menu below is the new Word Round Trip menu.

                  Documentation tab select Word Round-Trip

If you do not see Word Round Trip on Active Workspace
Application, here is how to fix that.

1.    Exit out of Active Workspace and go to the RAC

2.    Go to edit options, then select Search

3.    Search on keyword REQ underscore. (REQ_)

4.    What you are looking for is REQ_Microservice_Installed
( REQ underscore micro service installed )

a.     If this is set to false, you will not be able to do word round trip.

b.   The fix is to change false to true.

You need to have Requirements Management installed under the
active workspace. To have the Word Round Trip working you need microservices.

·      It requires these three microservices which are:

o   Requirements management compare

o   Requirements management export

o   Requirements management import

                            Export To Word Menu

Choose Export Word Round-trip

a.    With your BOM open, select Word Round Trip from the menu
        i.     Read only is a static copy that cannot be imported after you
                update your document                            
       ii.     Editable – means that you can edit the document                   
       iii.     Now you have the ability to export the comments and put
                in a Table of Contents

New types of templates that are like a specification template. When you exported the document, it would create the framework of your headers and footers. The exported document is a DOCX file and not a DOCM file. Click on it to open. Now choose overwrite conflicts. Then import. Select Word Roundtrip. Export to Word select editable, also comments can be included you can work with Paragraph Numbering. Header/footer template choose as shown and export. Now you have a docx file which can be edited.

NOTE:  The Workspace client must have activeworkspace client requirements management installed for Word round-trip to work. You do not need requirements management under Active Workspace server extensions. The Active Workspace client does not require dispatcher.

NOTE: You cannot import or export more than eight levels in Word Docs or Excel spreadsheets. This is a Microsoft Office issue and not a Teamcenter issue 

KB Article ID# PL8665050



Associated Components

Active Workspace - Content and Document Management