When extruding the sketch curves by using "Sketch Section" in Extrude command, it is created as "Region Boundary Curves" even though "Single Curve" is specified as the selection intent rule.
Reproduced Steps:
1. New part > "Extrude” > “Sketch Section”
2. Create sketch section in Internal Sketch > OK to finish Extrude
Make sure that “Selection Intent” rule is set to “Single Curve”
3. Edit the extrude feature
The behavior is working as expected.
If you would like to keep the selection intent (curve) rule, make use of Sketch feature ( an external sketch) rather than the internal sketch.
For features with internal sketch tool such as Extrude, Selection Intent (curve) rule set by Customer Defaults will be applied when created using the internal sketch.
*** Please refer to PL8663664 for Japanese article.