Solid Edge Where Used and Open Drawing commands are now displaying dialog to define Look in folders when using Solid Edge Data Management




When Solid Edge users are working with Solid Edge Data Management enabled they are not expecting to see a dialog displayed that prompts for a Look in folder location.  This is because the Vault locations were used to specify the folders where Solid Edge would look for Where Used files.  These Vault locations are defined in Solid Edge Settings/Options.

Beginning with Solid Edge 2021 MP11 and Solid Edge 2022 MP3 changes were made that will prompt the user to select Look in folder locations when running a command that performs a Where Used operation.  Two popular commands are Where Used, of course and Open Drawing.

The new default dialog introduced with Solid Edge MPs defined above:

The old default dialog displayed prior to the changes:

When using Solid Edge Data Management configuration to manage the files, there is no need to specify Look in locations in most cases.  How can the user change the behavior to revert to the old dialog prior to the changes?


These dialog displays can now be controlled with the Registry key as defined below.  Depending on the version of Solid Edge that you are using, the Version value will be 221 or 222 where nnn is specified below.

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version nnn \DEBUG\SEDM_PromptBrowseDialog

Setting the value to "1" will render a dialog that allows the user to define Look in locations.

Setting the value to "0" will render the old Where Used dialog that automatically displays results based on the Vault locations defined when Solid Edge Data Management is enabled.


KB Article ID# PL8653468



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