NX Opening part with warning: lacks data necessary for delayed model update.

NX for Design



With 'Delay Model Update' is on, the user might get the following message when opening some part files:

What specifically triggers this message? The model (an assembly) contains some wave links and assembly cuts which are shown as "out of date" when the model is opened. Is there a specific thing that needs to be updated?


According to Siemens Development, this message means: 

For the "Delay Model Update" message you are seeing, the missing data is likely because the part was created in an older NX version. Without all of the necessary data, features may not become out of date when they are expected to. Also note that "Delay Model Update" is separate from wave link features and assembly cuts. "Delay Model Update" on applies to intra-part features, to minimize the update of features after the user performs some edit. 

 Delay Model Update and the mentioned missing data are not related to feature failures. Having a failed feature does not necessarily mean this message will show up. Doing a Feature Replay will fill in the necessary data but will not fix feature failures.



There is no separate check since the replay data used by delayed model update is not relevant until delayed model update is turned ON. 



KB Article ID# PL8648829



Associated Components
