Insights Hub MindConnect IoT Extension: How to send email Alarm/Notification when connection is inactive?




Is there any possibility to send an Email when the connection of a device in MindConnect IoT Extension is inactive?


Yes, we can send an email Alarm/Notification when the connection is inactive.

We can set up a global smart rule and you can use c8y_UnavailabilityAlarm type.

Please follow below:

Go to the application switcher and click on the cockpit. once you are in Cockpit open Global smart rules under Configuration.

on the right side, you will see Add smart rule click on that. from the list of rules pick "on alarm send email"

Fill in all the required details in the alarm type and select the c8y_UnavailabilityAlarm type.

Search and select the target device and click on create.

when the device is offline you will receive an email notification.

Please note: the email alert email can take 3-5 minutes to arrive.


For more details please refer to the below documentation.

For any questions or support in this matter, contact us through the support center.

KB Article ID# PL8646559



Associated Components

MindConnect IoT Extension