Want to export an NX assembly to Parasolid. Using the File -> Export -> Parasolid function in NX. Use standard settings in the Parasolid export menu.
After pressing <OK> the message
"Part has no valid export objects or all valid export objects are filtered out."
This message occurs regardless of if Export From is set to Displayed Part or Existing Part.
- What is wrong?
The reason for the message "Part has no valid export objects or all valid export objects are filtered out." is that the assembly node, the part file being selected for export, does not contain any geometry itself, only its components does. In NX2007, (where this new Parasolid export UI was introduced), up to NX2206, the only Model Data Export option which does not require a manual selection is "Entire Part", which is designed to only export part files with geometry data in.
The way to export an assembly from NX in NX 2007 - 2206 to Parasolid is to open the assembly in NX and use Model Data Export option "Selected Objects" and select all components of the assembly in the graphics window.
In NX 2212 the Model Data Export option "Entire Assembly" were added. This allows to export an assembly without an interactive selection, i.e. the NX to Parasolid translator does not require the selected top assembly part file to contain any geometry.
Please note: If you use Export From: Existing Part in conjunction with Model Data Export: Entire Assembly, NX will use assembly load options to determine where to look for the components in the assembly. If you use Load Scope: Structure Only in this context, export will fail as no components are loaded.
PR#10292888 closed as WA.