Wrong Mass shown in FOA Members




Members of a Family Of Assemblies could respectively have different masses  - depending on factors such as  parts, their positions, material, assembly features, etc.

So it could be possible, for example in a Parts List, that the incorrect mass - such as the mass of the master assembly - is shown.

Consequently, the user is looking for a way to get (update) the mass individually for each member.


There is a way to do this. 

Interactive computation of mass properties will always show the values for the member where they were last computed.  For this case, however, you can achieve the desired results as follows:

1) Clicking the 'Update on file save' option in the Physical Properties dialog.

2) Update the properties in the member you have active, and save the assembly.

3) Finally, run the 'Save All Members' command from either the Family of Assemblies pane or the Alternate Assemblies Table.


KB Article ID# PL8642684



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