Command lines to
- Refresh Schema
- Reset Advanced Queue
SolutionOther customers have implemented automatic scripts, which run
- Reset Advanced Queue
- Refresh Schema
These can be executed via combination of our command line tools:
- DbUserAdmin.exe
- eMServerAdmin.exe
For example
Refresh Schema
"%TNXPath%\DBScripts\DbUserAdmin.exe" -refreshSchema -- -svr %ServerName% -usr %ToUser% -usrPswd %ToPassword%
"%TNXPath%\DBScripts\DbUserAdmin.exe" -refreshAccessUser -- -svr %ServerName% -schemaOwner %ToUser% -schemaOwnerPswd %ToPassword% -AccessUser %ToUser%_EA -AccessUserPswd %ToPassword%
Reset Advanced Queue
"%TNXPath%\DBScripts\DbUserAdmin.exe" -initAQ -- -svr %ServerName% -schemaOwner %ToUser% -schemaOwnerPswd %ToPassword% -aqUsr %ToUser%_AQ -aqPswd %ToPassword%Analyze Schema
"%TNXPath%\DBScripts\DbUserAdmin.exe" -analyzeSchema
eMServerAdmin.exe can be used to remove any active user sessions and disable user login during Schema maintenance tasks (Refresh Reset, etc.) if needed.
Also it is recommended that the eMServer process (dllhost.exe) and eMSAgent service are stopped.
For example by
PackageAdmin.exe -stopsc stop eMSAgent