import_attr_mappings is not removing /master=iman




The /master=iman option is removed from an existing attribute, and the mapping file is re-imported. The mapping import is successful.
However if the mapping file is immediately re-exported, the /master=iman is back on the attribute.
The /master=iman option will not remove from the attribute.  


Is the attribute at the Item level or the Item Master Form level?

In the header of the mapping file, there is a note:
# NOTE: for item master form the qualifier master=nnn is reassigned to master=iman
# where nnn can be cad, both, or none.


This means that for attributes writing to the ItemMaster Form, any "/master=" entry (/master=cad, /master=both, /master=none) will be reassigned to /master=iman.

Since there is no "/master=nnn" entry on the attribute, the default is "/master=both". By removing the /master=iman entry in the attribute mapping, the default becomes /master=both (which again will be re-assigned back to /master=iman).

So if the attribute is mapped to the Item or ItemMaster form, the "/master=" entry will be re-assigned automatically back to /master=iman.

If you would like to enable the CAD data to write to an Item level object (such as the Item or ItemMaster form), you can set this Teamcenter preference: TC_NX_allow_attrsync_master_with_item=YES

(instructions below).

Once this above preference is set, then the attributes can have /master=cad, or /master=both. and write to the Item level object. You should now be able to remove the /master=iman from the attribute mapping and import the mapping file. On re-export of the mapping file, the attributes should no longer have the /master=iman qualifier.1. In Teamcenter, select 'Edit-->Options'.
2. Select the 'Filters' tab at the bottom of the page.
3. Add this Teamcenter preference as a Site preference: 


KB Article ID# PL8630130



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