We are using TcVis and when we view .prt files that were created in NX 11 they view fine.
If we view files that were created in NX 1953 TcVis aborts.
SolutionThe TcVis 11.6 release only supports .prt files up to NX 12. Anything beyond that is not supported.
Ideally TcVis would not abort when loading a .prt file that is not supported but a defect can't be logged now since this release is out of maintenance.
If you need to work with .prt files that were created beyond NX 12 then here is a workaround. To disable TcVis 11.6 from loading NX .prt files, the easiest way is to remove or rename plmxmlAdapterNX70.dll under install_path\Siemens\Teamcenter11.6\Visualization\Program:
This will keep TcVis from reading .prt files: