What is the use of Local Namespace Output(ON/OFF) in Post Configurator
NX for Manufacturing
Need to know what is the use of Local Namespace Output(ON/OFF) in Post Configurator, When and how it should be used.
Local namespace output ON/OFF gives two different ways to generate output position value of TCPM mode and Tilt Plane for 5axis machine.
Local Namespace Output- OFF:
This switch the machine kinematics when tool path outputted with TCPM mode or under Tilt Plane coordinate system. No matter what real machine kinematics type is, for TCPM mode, machine kinematics type always be set to 5_axis_dual_head. For tilt plane mode (cycle800, G68.2, PANE SPATIAL) , machine kinematics type always be set to 5_axis_dual_table Other kinematics setup are decided by group TCPM Kinematics and Tilting Plane Kinematics.
Local namespace output - ON: This doesn't switch machine kinematics. Postprocessor calls MOM extension MOM_set_local_csys_matrix to setup a local coordinate matrix for Tilt Plane and using MOM_set_output_pos to setup which set of value be used in output.
Two sets of positions are generated in two namespaces. For example ::LOCAL_CSYS::mom_mcs_goto is linear axis position in tilt plane coordinate system which typically used as X Y Z value when CYCLE800 outputted in Sinumerik 840D NC codes.
Post writer doesn't need to take care how to setup local coordinate matrix and calculate rotation angles of CYCLE800, It is all done in PostConfigurator library. But post writer can choose which set of position value be outputted in a proper place in NC code by using LIB_SPF_set_output_pos.