Solid Edge
Color of FOP member faces do not match the master
When coloring of the faces of the master of a FOP that is not reflected on the children.
At the first color change, after having regenerated the children, the colors of the faces correspond to those of the Master. But, in case the user need to change the color a second time to the faces even after regeneration, the children do not update with the new colors.
Master, default color is grey Change the color to one face (red) also the Member will be correctly updated
Change the previous face of Master to another (from red to green)
The Member will not update the color as expected
The member update only updates the face colors on those faces which doesn't have face colors. This is to prevent changing the user colors applied on member files. The user can apply manually using Part Painter command, hence any existing face colors won't be updated while member update.
The work around is to erase the colors using Part painter command in member file and then update the members.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all OS: n-a OS Version: n-a Product: SOLID_EDGE Application: PART/SHEETMETAL Version: V221MP9 Function: FAMILY_OF_PARTS