NX Missing Arrowheads on PMI in JT file

NX for Design



PMI Arrowheads are missing from JT file exported from NX 


The issue is most likely that these are filled arrowheads. Filled arrowheads are not supported in JT versions 8.0 and below, so they cannot be written to the JT file if the JT file is at a version of 8.0 or below.

In current versions of NX, the default JT version is Version 10.5. 
Open the "problematic" JT file in a text editor. 
The version of the JT file should be in the header. 
Is the JT version below 9.0?

Version 8.0 JT (and below) does not support filled arrowheads; hence the arrowheads will be missing from the JT file. 
Instead create the JT at a version of atleast 9.0, the issue should get resolved. 
To control the JT version being exported, modify the following setting in the tessUG.config file: 
JtFileFormat = "10" 

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1926
Function: FILE_SAVE

Ref: 001-10209156

KB Article ID# PL8597006



Associated Components

Teamcenter Integration for NX