How do I change background color for an individual file and for multiple users?
To change background for an individual file, you can go to Menu --> Preferences --> Scene, Background or Ribbon --> View -->Display-->More-->Scene Preferences --> Background.
If you want to change background color from white to black for multiple users quickly, there are couple of methods.
1) Creating Visualization Template:
* In an empty space of a Resource Bar palette (e.g. Roles), right-click and select ->New Palette.
* In the new palette, right-click then select New Entry -> Visualization Template.
* In the Visualization Template Generator, enter name as needed.
* Uncheck all Categories except Visualization>Backgrounds.
* Ensure Shaded Backgrounds toggle is ON.
* In the Shaded Backgrounds, set the Top Color and Bottom Color to Black.
* Ensure Wireframe Backgrounds toggle is ON.
* In the Wireframe Backgrounds, set the Top Color and Bottom Color to Black.
* Click OK.
* You will now have an entry on your User-defined Palette in the Resource Bar.
* To apply the newly created black background visualization template, click the entry or
drag the entry into the graphics window.
2) Customized User Command:
* Create a journal script to change the background to black as above for individual file.
* Then Customize the UI to create a user-command to run that script, then relocate the
user-command to your command access location of choice.
The steps are in this attached video.