Solid Edge How to not consume a Floating License while borrowing another for Solid Edge




A user has the following situation:

They have two Floating Licenses, one is a Foundation and the other a Classic license.

Due to working from outside the office they borrow the Foundation license for a month.

However, during the month the user needs to occasionally work in the office with Solid Edge in order to create assemblies with parts that are provided on the network.

When the user starts Solid Edge on the network, the Solid Edge Classic License will be checked out, and so the customer has consumed all available licenses - the borrowed License, which is Foundation and the Classic License.  Consequently any other co-worker cannot use Solid Edge any longer.

Is there a way to get round this? 


When a user runs Solid Edge on the company's network, the FlexLM has preference over borrowing, so a license will be checked out, even though the machine has a borrowed license in use.

So in this case, the user's machine is now consuming two licenses.  It would be possible to prevent that if the machine were unplugged from the network, but if the user needs access to Part files that reside on the network, then this is not an option.

One option would be to return the borrowed license once the user is in the office and connected to the network, and when leaving the office the user could borrow again.  However, there is the chance that they may forget to borrow the license again, and so they cannot subsequently work.

In this case it is recommended to start the Solid Edge License Utility and via the Option 

"I have a License server name" enter a wrong machine name for the License Server.

In that case the checkout license from the FlexLM Server will fail because the client will not find the license server, and consequently the automatically borrowed license will be taken instead.

The user would have to expect some delay when starting Solid Edge because the system will first try to find the FlexLM machine on the company network.


If you have further inquiries about Solid Edge Floating Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Floating License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8586388



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