CMM Migration from I-DEAS to NX fails: System error during part import
Use NX Load Options that comes with CMM product.
You may use two different load option files, one for NX, the other one for the CMM migration.
Follow instruction to incorporate CMM NX Load Options:
Make sure load_options.def from CMM config folder get used during migration:
Add the following variable in file %CMM_BASE_DIR%\NXService\runnxservice.cmd:
adjust load_options.def as below if necessary:
LoadOptions_LoadComponents: load_all_components
LoadOptions_LoadFully: yes
LoadOptions_LoadWAVE: YES
LoadOptions_LoadWAVEParents: ALL
LoadOptions_LoadSubstitution: allow_substitution
LoadOptions_LoadLatest: NO
LoadOptions_LoadFilters: load_no_components
LoadOptions_LoadFailOption: dont_abort
LoadOptions_ApplyAllLevels: NO
LoadOptions_GenerateMissingPFM: NO
Notes and References
CMM I-deas
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 10-1909
Product: NX
Application: CMM
Version: V1953
Function: IDEAS
Ref: 001-10136164