PCB Exchange tolerance values differ between customer defaults and ini files.




When checking the Geometric Tolerance value from the PCB Exchange settings, the values differ between the Customer Defaults and the "pcbx_ug_model.ini" file as below.

Customer Defaults : 0.1mm
pcbx_ug_model.ini : 0.0001mm

Steps to reproduce:
01.Start NX1980.
02.Create a new part file.
03.Click "Application-> More-> PCB Exchange".
04.Click "Home-> Preferences".
05.Settings Source = Customer Defaults
-> Geometric Tolerance = 0.1mm
06.Settings Source = Specify
Example) D:\Siemens\NX1980\UGPCBXCHANGE
-> Geometric Tolerance = 0.0001mm

Geometric Tolerance values differ between Customer Defaults and ini files.
Why are the Geometric Tolerance values different between the customer default and the ini file?


When migrating the PCBx variables to customer defaults, some default values were changed to values we thought were more appropriate.  The geometric tolerance in the ini file had no units so 0.0001 was 0.0001mm if the user created a model in mm, and 0.0001in if the user created a model in inches. Now the values in the customer defaults have units and they are different in mm and in inches.
Both the ini and the customer defaults can be customized, so the user can modify them to suit his needs.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: PCB_EXCHANGE
Version: V1980

Ref: 002-8575917

KB Article ID# PL8575917



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