NX About user profile directory when NX launched from NX Launcher

NX System Administration



When NX is launched from Siemens NX Launcher, the following custom user profile directory is created.
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Siemens\NXxxxx_configurations\NX xxxx

But when NX is launched from [Start (Windows Start icon) -> Siemens NX -> NX], the following custom user profile directory is created.
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Siemens\NXxxxx

So why different user profile directories are created?


The whole idea behind NX Launcher is to have multiple user profile directories with different settings in each of them and the ability to select and launch NX with preferred user profile settings. When you launch NX from NX Launcher, it creates a separate user profile directory which is different from what an NX launched from the start menu would use.

NX Launcher cannot use the user profile directory used by NX launched from the Start menu. However, NX launched without NX launcher can use any user profile directory created in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Siemens\NXxxxx_configurations directory. You can do it in either of the following ways:
1.   Change UGII_USER_PROFILE_DIR environment variable to point to the desired directory. This one has the scope of the entire file system.
2.   Launch NX from cmd shell as "ugraf.exe -env="<environment directory name>"". In this case it will be something like "ugraf.exe -env="NX 1953"". Note this method can only be used for user profile directories directly below C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Siemens\NX1953_configurations.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V1961

Ref: 002-8575895

KB Article ID# PL8575895



Associated Components
