Retrieve customize settings (custom themes)




User has customize some environment setting on Solid Edge like (tool/theme/drafting/assemblies etc.) windows and saved it.


When he re-installed the Solid Edge software they can`t retrieve all the file which they had created.


The custom themes are gets saved in User Appdata (C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 221\Customization) folder. You can restore the custom themes if you have taken a backup of user appdata folder i.e. "~Solid Edge\Version 221\Customization" folder.


Refer below workflow:


-              Create some custom theme in Solid Edge.


-              Take a backup of the custom theme from (C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Siemens\Solid Edge\Version 221\Customization) folder.


-              After that (by mistake if) delete the custom theme from Solid Edge > Customize > New custom theme.


-              Copy the custom theme from backup to the user appdata folder "~Solid Edge\Version 221\Customization" folder.


-              The Custom Theme will again be restored in Solid Edge.




If you have cleared (Shift + Delete) the Solid Edge folder that includes 'Customization' folder from user appdada folder during reinstallation of Solid Edge, then the themes would not be restored.


You will need to recreate the themes. Ensure taking backup before reinstallation of Solid Edge next time.


Hope, this may help.



KB Article ID# PL8575265



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