How to get a floating License for Simcenter FLOEFD checked out with FlexLM ?




When having only one FLOEFD license and, for example, 10 Classic licenses of Solid Edge, the user has the problem that consequently the first user who starts Solid Edge will also automatically check out the FLOEFD license.

However, this is not wanted - the customer wants to check out the FLOEFD license on demand.

How can this be accomplished ?



FLOEFD will check out a license, if under Application Button>Settings > Add-Ins

the Add-In  "Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge" is activated.

If this is done, then the license will be checked out every time Solid Edge is started.

One can also see this because the Splash screen will become visible directly after the Splash screen of Solid Edge is loaded.

If the customer wants to have FLOEFD on demand, then every user who is currently using Solid Edge has to deactivate the Simcenter Add-In, whilst only the user who needs that tool activates the Add-In.

Only by following that workflow it is possible to share the FLOEFD license with all Solid Edge Users.

If there is a need to check which user is currently using the FLOEFD feature, then you will need to copy the lmutil.exe from the FlexLM Directory to your local machine, then open a Command prompt and enter the following command:

lmutil lmstat -c "%SE_LICENSE_SERVER%" -A  > lmstat_A_only_in_Use.txt

This will then generate a text file, where you can read which user currently uses which floating feature.  The logfile has the name "lmstat_A_only_in_Use.txt".

Of course, you could also write a simple batch file for this with that command inside.


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KB Article ID# PL8571168



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