I am trying to use an options file for my license server. Unfortunately, it doesn`t work.
The options file is in the same folder as the license file, the name of the option file is "ugslmd.opt".
The logfile for the Flexlm states:
15:28:28 (ugslmd) Using options file: "2090"
15:28:28 (ugslmd) CANNOT OPEN options file "2090"
although I have declared the Port as followed in the license file:
VENDOR ugslmd Port=2090
- Use the "PORT" syntax for the vendor deamon TCP/IP port instead of "Port"
- And give the options file full path name
VENDOR ugslmd PORT=2090 options=C:\NX1899\PLMLicenseServer\ugslmd.opt
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V9.0.3
Ref: 002-8569926