Lowercase characters are not set as the initial value of PMI Datum Label




Lowercase character "a" is not set as the default even though Lowercase character "a" is set to Starting Letter of "Datum Label" in PMI Preferences.

Reproduced Steps:

1.File > Preferences > PMI
2.In the appeared dialogue, Annotation > GD&T> Datum Label > Starting Letter and put lowercase "a" > OK
3.Menu  > PMI > Datum Feature Symbol
4.In the appeared dialogue, Datum Identifier > Letter

 ==Upper "A" is set as the default===

5.Input "a" in the Letter field

 ==Alert comes up==


The phenomenon is working as designed.

It's just warning and can be input and create lowercase "a" even though Alert comes up.

Notes and References

The alert is shown to the user because the datum letter conflicts with the current standard (ASME Y14.5 or ISO 5459).

Single features used for establishing datum features shall be identified by a datum feature identifier placed in the datum feature indicator. A datum feature identifier consists of one or more capital letters which are not to be separated by hyphens. The letters I, O and Q (which can be misinterpreted) should not be used.

*** Please refer to PL8566976 for Japanese article.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: PMI
Version: V11.0.2

Ref: 002-8568075

KB Article ID# PL8568075



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