Even after enabling "<Attribute_Source_Category_Names>" in "ugroute_elec_metric.XML",
The attributes are landing in "No Category" section
They are not listed under Routing Library attributes
If you expect these attributes needs to come as routing library attributes, then they have to be defined in part table files
Note: Routing attributes for routing parts and stock created prior to NX 12 are not sorted into NX 12 attribute categories. Attribute source categories are generated for any new parts or stock you add to your file. However, if pre-NX 12 stocks are loaded in your NX session, any new stocks of the same type are not sorted into a Routing Library Defined category
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Version: V1934
Function: PART
Ref: 002-8566891