How to display owning user information for data loaded from TC to NX?




How to display owning user information for data loaded from TC to NX?


Using the following attribute mapping syntax, the owning user ID will display in Assembly Navigator. Below are the steps to set this up:

(1.) Export the current attribute mapping file out of TC:
Open up a TC environment DOS window; type in: export_attr_mapping -u=infodba -p=infodba -file=C:\temp\mapping_out.txt

(2.) Edit mapping_out.txt in a text editor, and add the following line in the proper location within the file:

{ Dataset type="UGMASTER"
# (hard-wired) DB_PART_NAME : "Part Name"
# (hard-wired) DB_PART_DESC : "Part Description"

OWNER_ID : owning_user.user_id /master=iman /description="Owning user id"

(3.) Import the modified attribute mapping file back into TC:
In the same DOS window, type in: import_attr_mapping -u=infodba -p=infodba -file=C:\temp\mapping_in.txt 

(4.) Restart TC and NX. Load NX data into NX

(5.) In Assembly Navigator, add a new column entry by first creating a column entry using the name of the custom attribute, and toggle it ON to display in Assembly Navigator.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1926

Ref: 002-8565630

KB Article ID# PL8565630



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