NX Teamcenter Compatibility Matrix - How to find which versions of NX and Teamcenter are compatible / supported?




Where can I find the NX Teamcenter Compatibility Matrix to see which versions of NX and Teamcenter are compatible or supported?


The compatibility matrix for NX / TC can be accessed by selecting the Troubleshooting section of the NX Product Center:

The select the link or search for "Hardware and Software Certifications" and open the article:

This is the direct link to the Troubleshooting Article:


Then select the link for Integrations Matrix:

Which then gives you the download link for the Teamcenter Integrations spreadsheet:

This is the direct link to the page:


In the spreadsheet you should to go to the Integrations tab

Then expand the section for TC Unified

This will then display the current compatibility

Please note! Screenshot below show status on 7th August 2021, the information changes frequently so please always download the latest version of the spreadsheet.


Similar information is available in the documentation under NX Release Notes. However, this information is not updated after release and does not show Planned compatibility for future versions.


KB Article ID# PL8564901



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