How to migrate to the new PostgreSQL version?
Please find below information on how to properly do the migration.
How to migrate to the new version.
Prepare the migration
How the migration should happen?
There is no automatic switchover (un-/binding apps).
Data might be losing if something is written during the migration . So to avoid that, this is the generic procedure that requires app downtime : The downtime depends on the size of the backing Service and can take up to 10 hours. So we strongly recommend planning this maintenance outside of the work time. In the best case is the weekend.
Create new instance
First, you need to execute cf env app_name (App on which the service is bound) to display the information about the host, username, and password for the backing service (that will be needed for the CLI command line.
cf create-service postgresql11 postgresql-xs new_instance_name -c "{\"copy_from \":
{\"*host*\": \"rad46.service.dc1.a9ssvc\", \"*username*\": \"a9s-brk-usr-54bce05afb23a773426e2d055e\", \"*password*\": \"a9s79c44cc031ebd2f58717\"}