Insights Hub Error message: User is not having required access to perform this operation on given Asset/Entity




You encounter a status 403 error trying to access a particular asset in MindSphere. You have no problem accessing other assets. You also see the message: User is not having required access to perform this operation on given Asset/Entity.


If you are having trouble accessing a particular asset and come across this 403 error message when you did not before, you are experiencing MindSphere Secure Data Sharing (SDS). SDS enables customers to create and manage policy-based access control. For example, individual users or user groups can be granted or not granted access to individual resources.

To access the protected resource, you will need to consult with your tenant administrator for appropriate access.

* This feature is currently in an 'early access' phase and not available to all MindSphere tenants.


KB Article ID# PL8561830



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Applications - Other Settings