How to use sub-insert library Legacy data from NX1953?




 We created sub-insert components till NX1926 series.
 when we want to use the same in latest version, We get an error as "The selected component is not in current library".

Steps to be duplicate:
1. RMB sub-insert components.
2. Go to edit Tooling Components.
3. The error "The selected component is not in current library" occurs

How to use sub-insert library Legacy data from NX1953?


Step 1: In NX1973, create a folder \moldWizard\standard\metric\insert
Step 2 : copy the old file subinsert_reg.xlsx from NX1926 Or older version to the folder created above \moldWizard\standard\metric\insert.
Step 3:  In \moldwizard\standard\metric\insert, create the register file moldwizard_catalog.txt, it should include following content:
! Standard part register file
INSERT          /standard/metric/insert/subinsert_reg.xlsx::INSERT_MM
Step 4. Modify two-part attributes for the part *******.prt, change MW_COMPONENT_TYPE from 9 to 2, and change the value of UM_STD_LIB_NAME from 'MW Insert Library' to 'MW Standard Part Library'.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: xp64
Product: NX
Application: KDA
Version: V1953

Ref: 002-8552020

KB Article ID# PL8552020



Associated Components