Windows fonts Embeddability with Solid Edge




If a Windows font Embeddability level is marked as "Print and Preview Only"  Solid Edge is unable to use the font.  Why can Solid Edge not use a "Print and Preview Only" Windows font?


The embeddability of a font is essentially its built-in security copyright protection feature to prevent sharing and reuse of a font.  There are four levels of font embeddability:

  • Installable - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document and installed permanently in the computer.
  • Editable - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document but only installs fonts temporarily in the system.
  • Print and Preview Only - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document but only installs fonts temporarily in the system for printing purposes.
  • Restricted - Font cannot be embedded in a document.
If a font is marked as "Print and Preview" obviously by its nature it is not intended for permanent use or to be shared and used in editing, only for viewing.  As such, Solid Edge will not allow you to use a temporary 
font that is designed to be viewed only.  Solid Edge has an expectation to use fonts that are legally available for editing and that are permanently installed i.e. have an Embeddability  level of "Installable".

Therefore it is not possible to use a font marked as "Print and Preview Only" with Solid Edge. The expectation is that you should look to purchase the required font with the embeddability level set to "Installable".   

That said, there are free utilities available that can convert the font embeddability level.  However, the use of such tools are not part of Solid Edge and as such are not supported by Siemens PLM.  Further the use 
of any such tools may be a violation of various copyright protections and laws.  Therefore, again the advice would be for you to purchase the legal right to use the desired font.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Application: APPLICATION
Version: V221.0
Function: OTHER

Ref: 002-8549687

KB Article ID# PL8549687



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