Solid Edge Standard Parts - Add custom properties





The customer would like to define custom properties for each element of a Standard Part - a typical example is the internal code of stock location - which is different than the available properties in the default menu.

What must be done to create and define custom properties?


In the Standard Parts administrator we are able to add custom properties to all categories.  In this example I will add two custom properties to all categories (PO-number and Stock-location).  Custom properties  can only be added to NOT generated parts.

Prerequisite is a running and configured Standard Parts environment. 

Step 1 – Create custom properties

Start the Standard Parts Administrator and go to Category -> Add new custom properties
And add two new properties (PO-number and Stock-location)
Press ok, and this property will be added to all existing NOT generated parts.

You can use the option 'Select properties to display" to make the columns visual

Use the Display Type "Selected properties" to display the columns in the Standard parts Administrator

Step 2 – Edit the new properties

Select Edit File Properties

Or double click on one of the components to open the property dialogue; now you can enter the custom value:


Step 3 – Check result

In the Standard Parts dialogue you are able to display the custom properties:
Properties are in the part properties:
Or with Piping:

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Application: APPLICATION
Version: V221.0

Ref: 002-8547316

KB Article ID# PL8547316



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