How to check Cloud Licensing for Solid Edge




You may encounter a situation where use of Cloud Licensing for Solid Edge is not possible, even though you have already switched your Node locked License to Cloud enabled and selected a Webkey for the Cloud License.


Here are some useful tips to check whether the connection to the Cloud License Server is active:

1.  Cloud Licensing for Solid Edge should be installed to the default location, usually:

C:\Program files\Siemens\Solid Edge xxxx\...  where xxxx is the Version number of Solid Edge.

2.  The user should check if you they can use Cloud Licensing on another machine on the network with the same Webkey.

3.  Does the user have admin rights on that machine?

4.  Has the user reset the Solid Edge preferences, both in %APPDATA% and the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER?

(please note: %APPDATA% defines the value of the environment variable "APPDATA" on that machine).

5.  Are the date and time settings for that workstation set correctly?

6.  Can the user access the URL:

The result should be similar to this:

{ "LockArgument": { "cognitoId": "string", "machineId": "string" } } { "LockResponse": { "detailMessage": "string", "expired": boolean, "machineLock": boolean, "success": boolean, "userMessage": "string" } }

7.  Can the user access the URL:

The result should be similar to this:


8.  When activating Cloud Licensing and starting Solid Edge via Cloud Licensing, a logfile in the %TEMP% Directory of this user will be written, it is called: Dashlog.txt,

where %TEMP% is the value of the environment variable "TEMP" of this user.

Generally the variable points to the Directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp

(where "USERNAME" is the name of the user, who is logged in that machine).

The Dashlog.txt contains timestamps of when the user tried to connect to the Cloud License Server and  information about the network connectivity, which may be helpful, and looks similar to this:

18.05.2021 08:39:05: DEnv: prod.

18.05.2021 08:39:13: IDS_REQUESTED_TO_LOGIN.

18.05.2021 08:39:13: GetNetworkConnectionInfo.

18.05.2021 08:39:13: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM.

18.05.2021 08:39:14: IDS_REQUESTING_LOGIN.

18.05.2021 08:39:14: IDS_REQUESTING_DISCOVERY.

18.05.2021 08:39:15: IDS_DISCOVERY_SUCCESSFUL.

18.05.2021 08:39:17: IDS_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL.

18.05.2021 08:39:17: IDS_REQUESTING_CREDENTIALS.

18.05.2021 08:39:18: IDS_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESSFUL.

18.05.2021 08:39:18: IDS_REQUESTED_TO_LOCK.

18.05.2021 08:39:18: GetNetworkConnectionInfo.

You can open a ticket in our Support Center with this information if the problem still persists.


If you have further inquiries about Cloud Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Cloud License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8545104



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