The "D" value is only outputting on the first profile pass. The remaining passes do not have a "D" in the NC output when cutcom is called.
G41 X5.275 Y2.675 D2 (G41 calling for cutcom with D2)
2nd pass... G41 X5.275 Y2.675 (D2 is missing)
Note: This is strictly a sample solution.
Open Post Configurator application
Go to "Miscellaneous"
Select "Debugging"
Select "Show Inspect Tool" and turn it "On"
Please see image below to review the steps above.
Select test operation and post using Post Configurator.
Go to "Buffer Events" and look for "MOM_cutcom_on" (please see image below).
Select "Copy to Clipboard" (please see image below).
Select "Close".
Select the "Layer Manager" (please see image below).
"Add New Layer" and name it "My Custom Layer" (please see image below).
Select "OK".
In the "Actions" group---select the dropdown and select your new layer "my_custom_layer.tcl" (please see the image below).
Select the wrench to edit the custom layer.
Paste the copied data from buffer events and complete the code as seen below.
LIB_GE_command_buffer_edit_insert MOM_cutcom_on MOM_cutcom_on_ENTRY_start d_with_g41 ON_G41_LINE before @DEFAULT_ENTRY
proc d_with_g41 {} {
MOM_force ONCE D
Note: the proc has to be named as seen on the LIB_GE line. "d_with_g41" is on the LIB_GE line. Selecting OK will save the proc. When cutcom is called for...the G41 will output the needed D.
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all OS: n/a OS Version: n/a Product: NX Application: CAM Version: V1953 Function: POSTCONFIG