Suppressed Assembly-Driven part features are not showing the Suppress icon in Pathfinder in Assembly.
Assembly Driven Part Features (ADPF) in an assembly reference multiple part features (in each file that is modified). When you suppress/unsuppress an ADPF, we perform the action on the part features. But the ADPF does not control the state since users can suppress/unsuppress individual features in the parts. Since features could be in a mixed state in the various parts, we do not indicate the state in assembly.
Assembly Features are fully contained in the assembly document and fully control the effect on each promoted/overridden body, hence they are able to indicate its state.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 10_1507
Application: ASSEMBLY
Version: V221.0
Function: FEATURES
Ref: 001-10065615