Customer installed SPLM License Server in the Cloud environment.
Port 28000 is enabled, server can be pinged, telnet command for port 28000 is also successeful.
But PLM Software (e.g. NX) cannot get a license.
What the specific for work with Cloud License Server?
Local and Cloud License Servers have a common concept.
There is SPLM_LICENSE_SERVER=28000@<License Server Hostname or IP>
If License Server and users (which will work in NX) are located in the same Network, Hostname is enough.
We can get it by hostname or getcid command.
But if we work in Cloud, the best practice is using IP address in SPLM_LICENSE_SERVER.
Moreover we need to ensure that this IP will not be changed by some Cloud polices (by timeout or stop\start of VM).
There are 2 important ports, which should be opened and available from the both sides (on Cloud and Client machines):
1) 28000 - it's fixed port, Client uses it to ask License Server.
This port should opened and availabled for each Client Machine.
2) Dynamic port, which License Server assigns inside.
This port Client uses to ask Vendor. After this Vendor gets license for Client.
This port is assigned dynamically and changed after every restarting of License Server.
Dynamic port also should be opened and available for each Client Machine.
If you are not sure that Dynamic port will be available after every restarting of License Server, you can fix it.
You need to add fixed Dynamic port to the "VENDOR" line of license file: PORT=XXXX
E.g. we assigned Dynamic port 2200:
VENDOR ugslmd PORT=2200
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V1953
Ref: 002-8544005