The number of bodies cannot be obtained correctly




cannot get the number of body exists in a nx part by NX Open. It seems to be gotten the number of deleted body, too.

Actually, the number of the solid body in the part is 2. However, the result by the NX Open API are 4.

Step to reproduce: 

1. Create 2 bodies > delete one of the bodies.
 - Creating new bodies "Block"
- Delete one of 2 bodies by Delete Body

2. Tools > Journal > Edit

3. Select New in the appeared journal editor > put any source code like below > Save it

Imports System 
Imports NXOpen

Module NXJournal
Sub Main (ByVal args() As String)

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI()

        Dim c As Integer
        For Each temp As body In theSession.Parts.Display.Bodies
            If temp.IsSolidBody Then c += 1

End Sub
End Module 
 4. Tools > Play Journal > Browse the journal created in step 3 above > Run
 -  2 bodies counted as the result.


It was fixed in NX1926.

  - PR9517878: NXOpen.BodyCollection.ToArray returning an body which was deleted by Delete Body

Work around ( for NX11 -  NX1899 Series):

Checking the number of faces and edges such as below:

If temp.IsSolidBody Then

     Dim faces As Array
     faces = temp.GetFaces

     Dim edges As Array
     edges = temp.GetEdges

     If faces.Length + edges.Length > 0 Then
         c += 1

     End If
 End If

Notes and References

The problem can be confirmed by Show/Hide function, too. "2 objects shown" messages appears even though actually one solid body is available in the model.
 - The result of Hide > Show "Solid Bodies".

- Actually there is one body, though.( go to Type Filter > set Solid Body > then please count it in Graphic Window.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V11.0

Ref: 002-8542945

KB Article ID# PL8542945



Associated Components