Rounding numbers can be done according to several rules. Solid Edge supports two different types of rounding that will give different results. In most cases the rounding is logical and will reduce the significant numbers in a predictable way.
25,39 will be 25,4 23,32 will be 25,3
When the last digit is a 5 (five) there are multiple possibilities. Solid Edge delivers two rounding methods.
1) Odd values only (Default template setting)
When the last number is a 5, this rounding method will check the second last number for the decision to round up or down. Odd numbers are round-up only.
25,35 will be 25,4 25,25 will be 25,2
Advantage of this method is when calculating numbers the end result is more accurate:
25,35 + 25,25 = 50,60 and 25,4 + 25,2 = 50,6
2) All values
The second rounding option is the more general rule: all values ending on a 5 are round-up
25,35 will be 25,4 25,25 will be 25,3
Disadvantage of this rounding is that this can result in a different value when calculating:
25,35 + 25,25 = 50,60 and 25,4 +25,3 = 50,7
Solid Edge setting
The rounding setting is defined in the drawing style and can changed on the draft template when needed.
- Open the draft template - On the View tab select Styles - Select the dimension Style type and the Style you use - Modify
- On the Units tab you can select the Round-up you want to use
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64 OS: windows OS Version: 1064 Product: SOLID_EDGE Application: DRAFT Version: V221.0 Function: DIMENSIONS