How to manage customers defaults in the GPDL environment
1. NOTE In the Gmconfig folder, the ugii_resource.bat sets
2. If the customer does not want to use the NXCP provided dpv files, they should
- Place their group %GM_GROUP% dpv files, ie group_ve, group_me, group_ptn, etc
- into the %GMUG_CONFIG_DIR%\%GM_GROUP%\startup folder
- %GMUG_CONFIG_DIR%\%GM_GROUP%\startup files are copied into the %UGII_GROUP_DIR%\startup
3. If the customer does not want to use the NXCP provided nx_site.dpv, they should
- Place their custom nx_site.dpv into the %GMUG_CONFIG_DIR%\site\startup
- The %GMUG_CONFIG_DIR%\site\startup\nx_site.dpv are copied into %UGII_SITE_DIR%\startup
As far as how they should manage the user, group, site defaults in the GPDL environment, they should be able to control through the respective dpv files, they copy into the %GMUG_CONFIG_DIR% folders.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: TOOL_KITS
Version: V1969
Function: PDL
Ref: 001-10034048